Worship Services organized by date
09/08/2024 - "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done"
09/01/2024 - "Our Father, Who Art in Heaven"
08/25/2024 - "Beloved"
08/18/2024 - "Welcome & Worthy"
08/11/2024 - "Becoming Sacrificial"
08/04/2024 - "Becoming Inclusive"
07/28/2024 - "Tailor Made: Becoming Aware"
07/21/2024 - "Relentless Grace"
07/14/2024 - VBS Sunday
07/07/2024 - "Dirty Feet: Becoming Humble"
06/30/2024 "Who is my neighbor? Becoming Compassionate"
06/23/2024 Come & Eat: Becoming Generous
06/16/2024 - God Shows No Partiality
06/09/2024 -So We Do Not Lose Heart"
06/02/2024 - "Children's Sunday"
05/26/2024 - Unless Someone Guides Me
05/19/2024 - Pentecost
05/12/2024 -What I have, I give you
05/05/2024 - Senior High Worship
04/28/2024 - "You will be my Witnesses"
04/21/2024 - "Earth Day Sunday"
04/14/2024 - "Mental Health Sunday"
04/07/2024 - "The Resurrection of Peter"
03/31/2024 - "Easter Sunday 2024"
03/24/2024 - "Then They Remembered"
03/17/2024 - "Teach Me"
03/03/2024 - "Praise the Mount"