If you are in need of assistance for rent, utilities, shelter, or food; please contact one of these resources.
211 Virginia 2-1-1 VIRGINIA provides a wide variety of free health and human service referrals. Search the database by category and geographic area, or you can talk with a certified call specialist. Dial 2-1-1 toll free in Virginia, 24 hours a day. Don't go without assistance simply because you don't know who to ask or where to begin! Unity Works Unity Works is a Gift Giving organization, officially founded by Kimberly Nelson in 2017. Action in Community Through Service (ACTS) ACTS fosters hope, provides relief, and promotes self-sufficiency for our Prince William area neighbors in crisis. We are committed to creating a community where no one goes without or suffers alone. The organization began in Manassas, Virginia as a local project in which friends and families were asked to sponsor children in need for the Christmas holidays. Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS) INVESTING IN FAMILIES. STRENGTHENING COMMUNITIES. We lift families and individuals from poverty to hopeful futures. House of Mercy Create environments where God’s mercy flourishes by providing basic necessities and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Carried to Full Term The mission of Carried To Full Term is to provide comprehensive long-term residential support for women who are pregnant and homeless. We invest in and empower vulnerable women and her family for lives of dignity, hope, independence and self-sufficiency. Prince William County Coordinated Entry System
The Coordinated Entry System provides access to homeless resources and shelters in the Prince William's Area. Prince William County Department of Social Services strives to immediately access the needs of households seeking assistance and quickly connect them to the most appropriate resource for their circumstances. This program provides: - Access to housing resources - Access to shelter |
Prince William County Resources
Click here to learn more about the organizations listed below
Click here to learn more about the organizations listed below